SEIDO NO MAJIN (BRONZE MAGICIAN) Part 4 Finale Kingmenu is back!

Kingmenu here, I’m very excited to present to you the finale installment of the Bronze Magician, and must of this presentation we owed it to our fellow buddy and his site for providing the RAWS we thank him for his dedication to such rare Showa Classics. The movie or Serial adaption is from the 1949 Book or Novel as I would say by created by Japanese mystery writer Edogawa Ranpo. What can we say! This is the one you been waiting for!! And now it’s here. Brought to you by Kingmenu and Noriko. We thank Noriko for her technical support and efforts always. And thank you fans for all of your support, and we hope that you will still be around for more exciting surprise instore…so hold on to your clocks and keep your windows closed we don’t want the Bronze Magician entering your homes uninvited…Well drop a comments.. let us know that our fans are still here …now enjoy KM.


Seido no Majin (The Bronze Magician) Part 3 DREADFUL DONJON KEEP 1949 Serial: Is here! Kingmenu Subs

Here is the third installment of the Bronze Magician, I always wat to let the fans know by the title year that the book is released in 1949 and the actual film was produced in 1955.. for fan historian notes. Well we hope you will enjoyed this classic Serial . Stay tuned for the finale. KM