From the Archives of Kingmenu: Tiger-Mask Episode: 04 Law of the Tiger Cave” Is here!

Hi fans, This was a fantastic find, I completely forgotten this episode for like 2 was during the time..when we were getting so many request from fans..wanting us do do there favorite Anime..and we put this episode on the shelf.  Myself with Shockwave 2017 completely forgotten this. Now with the resurgence and interest of this character and the re-visiting this gem. I was just looking thru my old shows and seen the file..with a big question many fans know we only did 3 episodes ..and was going to carry on in the near future ..but you fans asked for this series and were going to schedule this..Yeah. With new-comers on board ..oh yeah..Oh and we haven’t forgotten Tiger-Mask II either which will be on it’s way sooner then you can hold your seats! KM.1502739545743

Direct Download Link:

From The Menu Archives: Tiger-Mask 1969 Series Episode: 01-03 Re-Posting

Yeah a lot of fans asked about these episodes that we did dating back to 2013-2014 ..This was during our humble beginnings..When it was hard to find Raws of this show..which we manage to only get a few in which the audio was Italian ..we had it posted during that time and then took it down ..Now since it seems the show have new followers and interest we decided to bring it back for the new It funny how now all these new sub-tilers jumping on the band wagon to continue this show..But let it be known that Kingmenu and Shockwave was the original that took a shot at this. And we have no issues to other Subtitle by other groups doing it the more the merry..Onward are our new links: so Enjoy.


Direct Link: Tiger-Mask Episode:01

Direct Link: Tiger Mask Episode: 02

Direct Link: Tiger Mask Episode: 03