戦ー少女イクセリオン Iczer Girl Iczelion OVA Act I

Big gold after the fall also, machine life had died in the space around one after another invaded the planet, the group in a cross, chaos sister brother and under the control of the combat robot is aimed at Earth. All the Iskar sisters that can not fight directly, talent there sends a woman and coalescence to a small robot, which is to transform into a superhuman warrior “Ikuserion” (Ixelles) to each planet, chose a method of getting fighting. Nagisa Kano to become a professional wrestler is being unwillingly is transformed into a Ikuserion cross, we are caught up in the fight against chaos.directed by Toshihiro Hirano
Character Design Toshihiro Hirano, NISHII canon This is an old one. We kept around for awhile Kingmenu done awhile back Enjoy!

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